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The Different Levels of Rehab

types of rehabThere are many different types of rehabilitation programs to choose from, and it can be bewildering trying to figure out which one is right for you. The main distinctions between the different types of rehabs available are the economic level they fall in. Some rehabs are paid for through government funding and do not have much of an operating budget. Some rehabs are for the average income earner, and they closely resemble the average income earner’s quality of life in their accommodations and the lifestyle they offer. And some rehabs are classified as luxury rehabs, maintaining a high operating budget and allowing clients to live in comfort and style. As a general rule, it is typically best if you choose a rehab for yourself that resembles the level at which you generally live.

Government funded rehabs are a good option for low income earners, but they can be a discouraging experience. They are typically overcrowded and do not provide clients much with personal space. Private rooms are seldom to never found in a government funded rehab. Because of overcrowding and limited resources, clients typically do not receive the personalized care that they need in order to overcome their addiction. Government funded rehabs are certainly better than no treatment at all, but they tend to see the highest relapse rates of any type of rehab.

Rehabilitation centers for the average income earner are privately funded and have a moderate operating budget. These types of treatment centers have a good success rate as clients receive some much needed personal attention while they attend. Because the operating budget is higher than that of a government funded rehab center, they can afford to properly staff their rehab and have the necessary treatment material on hand at all times.

And lastly, luxury rehab centers are the most desirable types of treatment centers. They give clients an intensive, thorough, therapeutic and comfortable treatment experience that promises a high rate of success. The operating budget of a luxury rehab center not only allows the clients to have access to the finer things, but it also affords the best counselors, social workers and treatment material that money can buy.

The Luxury Rehab Experience

luxury rehabLuxury rehab is a life changing experience, and one that you will not regret. People enroll in luxury rehab programs because they struggle with addiction on a level that they cannot repair alone. They have reached out for help from people who specialize in addiction, and they have selected a treatment center of good repute that is known for caring individually for each client. The benefits of enrolling in a luxury rehab center treatment program are many.

Firstly, luxury rehab programs offer clients a secure environment that keeps them safe from their addiction. Rehab programs do a lot to help addicted people, but the most basic and fundamental service they offer is an environment totally free from addictive substances and activities. This is what addicted people need most urgently, and luxury rehab programs take this element of treatment very seriously.

Secondly, luxury rehab programs offer their clients psychological treatment that changes their mental health for the better. The psychological treatment one finds in luxury rehab is tailored to their specific needs and is of the best and most thorough quality. Individual and group counseling sessions help clients understand the underlying causes of their addiction problems. Sessions with facilitators that enable discussion of experiences with addiction help clients understand their own psychologies on a more meaningful level. Readings and workbook exercises reinforce the tenants of good mental health in clients. All of the material and resources are the most current and relevant that are available on the market.

And lastly, the luxury rehab experience gives its clients a quality of life that restores their inner peace. There are many rehabilitation programs available to choose from, but one of the major advantages of luxury rehab is the high quality of life that is preserved through treatment. The surroundings in luxury rehab are of the finer variety: comfortable new furniture, elegant furnishings and high quality electronics. The amenities within the treatment center are noteworthy: saunas, private gyms, hot tubs, game rooms and movie theaters. And the recreation that clients have access to is top of the line, including epic outdoor activities such as kayaking, skiing and mountain biking.

Time Commitments at a Luxury Rehabilitation Center

luxury rehab time commitmentThe average inpatient luxury rehabilitation center will require a commitment of 30 days or more, but this is not set in stone as many luxury rehab facilities will adjust their recovery program scheduling around the patient’s needs. Clients will receive special accomodation from the staff person managing their program that allows them the time and flexibility to meet their professional demands.

The average 30-day luxury addiction program is designed for addictions and behavior problems that are less severe in nature. If an individual is struggling with addiction to a substance but is not yet dependent on it, this time frame will probably suit them best. If clients are looking for an even shorter stay, they might consider a program that allows them multiple visits that are broken up into one or two week commitments at a time.

For those requiring a more in depth treatment program, the 60-day option is recommended. This program best suits an addict that is becoming dependent on a substance, but hasn’t had a long term relationship with it yet. The 60-day time period requires the patient to have less contact with friends and family, but gives them the protection needed from the things that influence their addictive behavior.

And lastly, the 90-day program is required for severe addictions that have either threatened or heavily altered the addict’s life. For high profile individuals who cannot separate their lifestyle from their addiction, the safety of an extended inpatient stay is needed for a complete recovery. Contact with the outside world will be more limited than in a shorter stay in order to let the addict focus solely on their sobriety.